like clockwork

[laik ˈklɔkˌwɜ:k]
  • 释义
  • 顺当地; 有规律地; 毫无故障地; 自动地;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The launching of the rocket went off like clockwork.


  • 2、

    She uses characters that are easily recognizable and her plots develop almost like clockwork.


  • 3、

    The birthday party went off like clockwork and everyone had a good time.


  • 4、

    The arrangements for the international conference went ahead like clockwork.


  • 5、

    When Mr Mays had the organizing of the school plays they used to run like clockwork.


  • 6、

    The sports day went like clockwork, with every race starting and finishing on time.

    运动会进展顺利, 所有赛事都准时开始,准时结束.

  • 7、

    Everything went like clockwork.


  • 8、

    Wonderful organisation certainly, goes like clockwork.

    这个组织真了不起, 一切都接班就绪,有条不紊.

  • 9、

    When the mechanical clock arrived, people began thinking of their brains as operating " like clockwork. "

    机械钟表一出现, 人们便开始认为他们的大脑 “ 像钟表般 ” 运作.

  • 10、

    I'm telling you, Colombians are like clockwork, right?

    告诉你, 哥伦比亚人就像钟表一样, 对 吧 ?

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